Daily 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die selection:
Joni Mitchell – Blue – Rating: 3.5 / 5
I’m sure I’ve heard Joni Mitchell before, but I don’t remember having done so. I found her album to be interesting as there were times I really enjoyed the songs, and sometimes I found them to be more average at best. Kind of like some would connect with me, and others just fell flat. I’m glad I finally got to check out her stuff, but can’t really agree it belongs on this list.
Check this album out at Songlink
Vinyl Spins:
Vista Kicks, Audra Mae – Chateau Mae Mae
Check this album out at Songlink
Willie Colon & Hector Lavoe – Crime Pays
Check this album out at Songlink
Favorite Videos from the day:
PaleNeØ – CRAZY & NOiSY & CUTiE MAGiC! (Official Music Video)
Sade – Young Lion (Official Music Video)
LANA – Street Princess (Official Music Video)
[🚀Show! Music Tank] ⭐큰거 온다. H.O.T⭐ #뮤직탱크 71회 1996년 11월 2일
Kesha – JOYRIDE (Official Music Video)