G-Nitro’s Daily Music Wrap-Up – 09/03/24

Daily 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die selection: 

Portishead – Dummy – Rating: 4 / 5

I always enjoyed Portishead back in the 90s, but they were always a group that I’d forget about for years and then be reminded of, listen to them again, and then rinse and repeat. This is such a solid album, but it never sticks to me as something I constantly think about, but I never regret giving it another listen. I cant argue against being on anyone’s list like this, but would probably fall short if I was putting together something similar.

Check this album out at Songlink

Other albums:

Elsa y Elmar – PALACIO – Rating: 4.5 / 5

I had never heard of Elsa y Elmar, but a music video popped up as a suggestion via YouTube, so afterward I sought out the album and it is fantastic. Variety of genres through out helped each song feel different than the previous one. I really had a ton of enjoyment sitting through this album, and it’s one of the best of the year so far.

Check this album out at Songlink

Favorite Videos from the day:

이정현 무대보관함 💙와 부터 V까지! [화질세탁소🚿] (Lee Jung Hyun Stage Collection)

Groovy Disco House, Nu-Disco [Vinyl Studio Session] with Théque Support

Spinning Plums – HITOMI Perfect Blue (MV)

Fediverse Music Hashtag: #TuneTuesday