Daily 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die selection:
Prince – Sign “☮︎” the Times – Rating: 4.5 / 5
Prince is one of the greatest, most unique, and creative musical artists of our time. Surprised this was the first of his albums to appear on the challenge for me so far. This album is fantastic, although not my overall favorite. We still have fantastic songs like “If I Was Your Girlfriend”, “U Got The Look”, and “Slow Love”. My least favorite track is “Sign o’ the Times”, and personally it still feels like an odd choice to start the album off with a socially conscious song, instead of getting the listener into the more groovy stuff.
Vinyl Spins:
Makoto Iwabuchi – Super Moon
Check out this album at Songlink
Favorite Videos from the day:
Haze / ラブ&ポップ / Official Music Video
VIGU – ‘Breaking Bud’ MV (4K)
【shallm】アイ・ラブ・ジェー・ケー・キス・デート (Music Video) – 日テレ公式ショートドラマアカウント『毎日はにかむ僕たちは。』タイアップ曲
[4K] tracer – “365” Band LIVE Concert [it’s Live] K-POP live music show
adieu – 穴空きの空 / THE FIRST TAKE