Daily 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die selection:
Tracy Chapman – Tracy Chapman – Rating: 4.5 / 5
I didn’t really appreciate Tracy Chapman at the time when this released. I was young and it never clicked. As I’ve gotten older, this album has continued to grow on me. A lot of the themes on her songs are still relevant today.
Vinyl Spins:
Seiko Matsuda – Silhouette
Check out this album at Songlink
Favorite Videos from the day:
2001년 4월 음악캠프 [96회] MBC010421방송
DISCODELICOS – Session 18 / Coco María presents: “Coco María In The Mission
nazca – 「海岸線」Official Music Video
Disco Nuggets from the Golden Era with Mr. Disco Kid
ハク。 (haku.) “奥二重で見る” Official Music Video
80’s Rock and New Wave [Vinyl Studio Session] with La Mala Noche
Fediverse Music Hashtag: #MoodMusicMonday